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from propaganda

of medical fakes


The online database "Detox from Propaganda" presents an overview of disinformation narratives that are spreading in the field of health care among users from Ukraine, russia, and belarus.

Disinformation narratives were identified by VoxCheck analysts as a result of weekly monitoring of russian propaganda in the information space of Ukraine, russia and Belarus. The analysis of the information space is carried out with the help of electronic monitoring tools, as well as manual research of platforms and social networks. The main channels for monitoring are social networks, television, radio, the press, and news agencies.

Various fakes, and manipulations are examples of the same narrative when they convey the same message aimed at influencing public opinion in the respective countries. Each narrative in the "Detox from Propaganda" database has several examples. Thus, the fake about "the activities of dangerous biolaboratories in Zaporizhzhia" is part of the narrative "Military-biological laboratories and medical experiments on citizens of Ukraine."

Each of these narratives falls into one of three categories:

  • disinformation, i.e., deliberate dissemination of false information;
  • misinformation, i.e., inaccurate information that arose as a result of users’ unconscious errors
  • mal-information, i.e., accurate information used to harm a person, organization, or country.

After discovering such narratives, the VoxCheck team conducts fact-checking and publishes its results on the database's website.

VoxCheck authors adhere to a transparent fact-checking policy. In our materials, we provide all sources for verification in sufficient detail so that readers can reproduce our work on their own. The quality of checks is ensured by the editorial board of the project.

VoxCheck is a signatory to the Code of Principles of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) and adheres to the following obligations:

  • impartiality and objectivity;
  • high quality and transparency of sources;
  • transparency of the organization, in particular, transparency of its financing;
  • high standards and transparency of the methodology;
  • open and honest corrections policy.